South Pole
Mateusz Waligóra reached the South Pole. The route through the ice desert of Antarctica was 1250 kilometers long. The polar explorer covered it in 58 days. The march began in Hercules Inlet on the edge of the glacier. The aim of the expedition was to reach the Amundsen-Scott research station..
He has been preparing an expedition to the South Pole for many years. He gained experience in long-distance hiking, e.g. in Greenland and the Gobi Desert. All this to make him feel as safe as possible in Antarctica. The expedition was a pretext to talk about mental health crises, as well as to raise issues of climate change, which particularly affect the polar regions.
Mateusz Waligóra is the fourth person from Poland to reach the South Pole in this way - alone and without support. So far, only Marek Kamiński, Małgorzata Wojtaczka and Jacek Libucha have succeeded in this feat.

Gobi Desert
Mateusz Waligóra is the first man who alone crossed the largest and harshest desert in Asia. He made it together with his reliable companion: the Aztorin watch. Waligóra decided that he would be self-sufficient. For this purpose, a special cart was constructed, which after loading the equipment necessary for survival, as well as food and water, weighed up to 200 kilograms. To reach the desert part of the Gobi, he pulled the cart through passes that exceeded 2,000 m above sea level.

Before Mateusz Waligóra, there were several unsuccesful attempts. When you look at the conditions prevailing there, you cannot be surprised. The inaccessible terrain is a great challenge for both body strength and spirit. The length of Mateusz’s route was, ultimately, 1785 kilometers. During the trek, the temperatures at night dropped to -10 degrees Celsius to reach as much as 35 degrees by day.

Chadar Trek
“Before it is gone” is a series of reports by two experienced adventurers. In pursuit of this unique project, the authors document sites and cultures that are changing irreversibly. It is not that they changed in the past or are going to change in the future – they are changing now. The reporters observe a variety of social and cultural transformations driven by degraded environments and the alteration of nature by man. Their first destination was Chadar, an icy passageway connecting the lands of Ladakh and Zanskar. in the company of Aztorin.

Himalayan winters rank among the world’s harshest. once the temperature falls below -30 degrees celsius and a blanket of snow several meters thick covers mountain passes, the Zanskar region gets cut off from the outside world for months. over the centuries, the only link with the civilized world that remained at such times was a river by the same name. With the upcoming construction of a new road, the chadar route will soon fall into oblivion.

Aztorin unleashes the desire for adventure. With it on your wrist, you want to act, conquer, race off into the unknown. All those who’ve already set off on an Aztorin expedition know this, and there have already been several of them. They also know that an Aztorin watch is a faithful travel companion, performing well in difficult circumstances. And this journey confirmed this again – an enduro trail of tens of kilometres through mountainous Kyrgyzstan put human perseverance and the endurance of equipment to the test.

The kyrgyz gravel roads demand unfailing concentration. And when you have to go off-road, which was often necessary in order to reach the destination? each time the fantastic views were worth the effort – picturesque lakes, the imposing ridges of the tian shan range. This majestic landscape was an opportunity to reflect and regain strength for the journey ahead.

Mount Kilimanjaro
After taming the Cameroonian river Dja, the time came for another Aztorin challenge – conquering Mount Kilimanjaro looming high over the continent. The mission was assisted by blogger-traveller, Anna Skura, realising at the same time her lifetime’s ambition. Aztorin again demonstrated that it is made for extreme tasks, and Anna – that passion and determination will take you wherever you desire.

Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the highest peak in Africa and one of the highest free-standing mountains. Bound up in the religions of the local tribes, worshipped and awe-inspiring. It is of enormos tourist, landscape and natural value. In 1921 a nature reserve was estabilished there and since 1987 it has appeared on the UNESCO world heritage list.

Dja River
As part of the Aztorin brand’s travel project, four daredevils set off into the unknown. Backed by National Geographic, they made their way to Cameroon to travel down the Dja river, crossing a virgin, impenetrable jungle. The daring travellers were accompanied by reliable Aztorin watches. Danger lurked at every step (the expedition ended in total success).

The Dja river is full of difficult, long sections of many kilometres demanding a great deal of effort to get through them at the right pace, so as to make progress. Gloves were essential to protect against blisters, but also against injuries, which was particularly important – it isn’t hard to get a serious infection in the jungle.